blog-how-healthy-is-your-website-6-items-to-check Last month, we discussed websites and why they’re so important for a business. This month, we’ll focus on what actually makes a website good—and it’s more than just beautiful branding. There are so many elements that constitute a successful website, from SEO and CRM to analytics and integrations. Here are a few things you need to know about ensuring website health, on the front end and back end.

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  1. Site performance see url Be sure to put time and effort into your site’s UX—ask colleagues or customers to review your site to see if they can navigate with ease and find CTAs quickly. Research shows that a site visitor only spends around 45 seconds on a website so it’s essential that you make every second count and your information is easily digestible.On the back end, Google monitors how quickly your site loads. Even if your site looks like it’s loading quickly, sometimes there can be a lag on the back end…and Google takes note of this, even if you don’t know it’s happening.
  2. Third-party integrations Almost all websites use a few (or many) third-party integrations/plug-ins to add features and functionality. They often include video players, contact forms, chatbots, blogs, search bars, etc. However, this technology can break, need updating, or become antiquated over time, making parts of your site non-functional. Unreliable or outdated technology can make a site clunky for customers, causing them to become frustrated and exit out of your page, plus you’ll miss out on important data capture.
  3. Purchase Tramadol Cod Fedex Analytics Google Analytics is a good start, but it’s not enough to monitor your site. You need high-quality, robust data captured on your site to truly understand your customers, why they’re visiting your site, and what their needs are. While you’re putting time and effort into creating a beautiful-looking website, be sure to put just as much work into data integrations so you can capture and retain valuable information. We suggest checking out Google Search Console to understand how and when Google displays your site in search results to help optimize site traffic.
  4. click here CRM enter One of the main functions of your site is to capture leads. Be sure to have a comprehensive, up-to-date Customer Relationship Management (CRM) tool to capture leads as they interact with your website. Don’t simply rely on a contact form—build out a customer list and keep track of the interactions various people have had with your site, whether they’ve signed up for a newsletter, interacted with specific content, or browsed a certain product category.
  5. click Responsiveness & accessibility enter If your site is more than a few years old, it’s highly likely that it isn’t truly optimized for mobile.

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    1. Responsiveness: older sites look older because they were built for narrow monitors. A new site can scale various screen widths to accommodate a wide range of devices, including smartphones and tablets. This is becoming more and more relevant because the majority of users in 2024 are digesting content on their phones instead of their computers, therefore your business should be aware and accommodating for the mobile experience.
    2. Accessibility: Your site should be accessible to everyone, including individuals with various disabilities. Most older sites don’t have this functionality built in. Your site should be screen-reader friendly, include alt texts for images, and have good color contrast—you can find accessibility checkers for your website online.
  6. click here Calls to Action Coupon Code For Tramadol Online It’s essential to have visible, accessible Calls to Action (CTAs) on every page to help your visitors get from A to B on your website quickly and easily. These simple and strategically placed buttons guide visitors through your site so they can gather all the necessary information they need to learn about your business and start a conversation. If you have correctly placed CTAs, you’re far more likely to create a real user journey for your visitors. Monster makes it easy

follow link Busy marketers understand the necessity of having a functioning, up-to-date website. But most of us don’t have the tools, time, or bandwidth to give the health of your website a pulse check. Team up with Monster to see where your website stands and how these updates can change your site performance—whether it’s a page-by-page analysis or a bigger web revamp.

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